The exotic colours of salts as part of the Rivsalt range are any foody’s dream. The TASTE Jr pack features six stunning salt gemstones, all from a different part of the world. While the difference in taste may be subtle from one to the other, each possesses its own character.
Kala Namak Salt from India
This shimmering black rock salt has a unique fragrance and flavour, and is ideal for spicing Indian and oriental dishes. Its dark colour adds a dramatic flair to your cooking, and is perfect for rich, creamy dishes.
Halit Salt from Pakistan
Crystal clear in colour, this cubic rock salt has a very intense natural salt taste, suitable for all everyday dishes. Due to its strength, a little goes a long way making it ideal for general use.
Persian Blue Salt from Iran
One of the rarest and most exclusive salts, this blue coloured seasoning boasts a rather mild flavour with a silken sweetness. It is ideal for seafood, salads, French cuisine and truffles.
Rose Salt from Bolivia
This pink rose quartz rock salt has a mild and sweet taste, making it suitable for meat and vegetable dishes.
Alpine Salt from Austria
This is a visually striking red-brown rock salt with a very intense taste. It is best used on dark meat Dishes, or dishes with a heavy mix of spices.
Himalayan Salt from Pakistan
This flavourful salt is one of the most popular, and is sold as part of the Rivsalt grater range. With a lasting spicy heat over a mild mineral body, its flavour makes it ideal for seasoning meat and fish, as well as vegetables.