When to Clean What: The Butler’s Definitive Guide

Blog When To Clean What The Butlers Definitive Guide


Sheets and pillowcases should be washed each week, with Doona covers washed every two to four weeks. This may seem too often but our sheets collect a lot while we are sleeping, such as skin cells, sweat, makeup, and often dust mites.

While the Doona covers should be washed every few weeks, Doonas should be washed every three months, or at the start of each new season.

Regular washing using non-toxic laundry products such as The Laundress will keep your sheets and mattress fresh and free of allergens, meaning a more sound sleep for you.

To give your sheets a scent you will dream about falling sleep in, use The Laundress Le Labo Rose 31 Detergent.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, pillows should be washed every six months with a good gentle cycle using The Laundress Bleach Alternative and a day in the sun. They should also be replaced every two years.


Best practice is to give the toilet a simple clean every few days, and a thorough clean every week using vinegar or bleach. The Butler is a fan of using vinegar, spraying it onto the surface of the toilet bowl and letting it sit for half hour before scrubbing and rinsing clean.

Not a lover of the smell of vinegar? The Laundress has the perfect product for you with their Scented Vinegar.

Shower Heads
A mix of vinegar and water is ideal for cleaning soap and mineral deposits from shower heads, which need a good clean each year to ensure consistent water pressure.

To keep the grout between your tiles looking clean and white, spend some time each month applying a mix of bleach and water with a scrubbing brush. Follow up with an all purpose cleaner to ensure the bleach mix has been removed.


Every three months is an ideal time-frame for keeping your fridge clean and fresh. Start by pulling everything out and wiping down the shelves and seals with a strong mix of Scented Vinegar and water.

The humble dishwasher also requires regular cleaning, at least once a month. The Butler suggests steering clear of supermarket cleaners and rather run a wash cycle with a cup of vinegar sitting in the top rack.

Benches and Backsplash
While the tiles in your kitchen may receive a regular wipe down when cleaning after food preparation, all kitchens benefit from a weekly scrubbing with a strong cleaning concentrate to help break down any build up.

The Butler always looks to his The Laundress All Purpose Cleaning Concentrate with strong, non-toxic active ingredients, which are safe to use on any surface.



Fans, Vents and Lighting Features
Taking a soft yet effective brush to these household features once a month will keep the air dust free. The Butler always recommends using a natural hair brush such as the Natural Bristle Hearth Brush with Timber Handle.

To keep your drains free of build up and avoid any blockages it is best to flush all drains with a mix of vinegar, boiling water and baking soda, just enough to keep things moving smoothly. The Laundress Scented Vinegar is ideal as it will help clear without leaving a strong vinegar smell behind.

We all know every collection of books can collect a hearty amount of dust. To keep books from going yellow and looking their age, it’s best to take them out and flick through the pages to offer a light dust every three months, or change of season