Domestic Luxe

If there is one thing the Butler knows about, it is the benefit of luxury in the home.

Your home is your sanctuary and while we often have no hesitation splurging on large items such as furniture, we often scrimp on the items that can bring a real sense of luxury to every day.


While using quality products brings the mundane cleaning tasks into the world of luxe, they can also help to lengthen the life of your linens, furniture and clothing.

The Butler has shared his favourite cleaning items ideal for embracing luxe in your every day.


In the Laundry…

The Laundress Washing Range

Once you have tried this luxurious and high quality range of laundry detergents, softeners, sprays and stain removers, you will never want to go back to regular washing powders. Hailing from New York, The Laundress range is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, gentle, and effective.


The Laundress Stain Brush

This soft brush is the ideal tool for easily removing stains from all fabrics including delicates. Made from high quality bristles and timber.


In the Kitchen…

Le Creuset Cast Iron Casserole Dish

You will always love using this kitchen classic. Ideal for casseroles, stews, pot roasting and perfect for preparing soups and rice dishes, even for baking.


Charvet Linen Apron Sabbia

Luxury in French linen. Keep your clothes pristine as you clean and cook throughout the day.



The Laundress Glass & Mirror Cleaner

You will never use a glass cleaner as effective as this. Non-toxic, unscented and will leave your windows streak free.


Large Ostrich Feather Duster

The tool of the professionals… This ostrich feather duster features real feathers, which feature millions of tiny fibers that whisk up dust and hold it in an iron grip.


Luxury Touches…

The Laundress Scented Drawer Sheets

Find luxury in the details and keep your linen and clothing in storage smelling fresh with these drawer sheets. Combining sandalwood, orange, and rose with a base of cedar, this sweet and spicy blend naturally repels moths and other undesirable creatures.


Charvet Editions Tea Towel

Made from exquisite heavy weight, 100% French made linen, these tea towels will add just the right amount of luxe to your kitchen.